Pokud ti není 18 a více let, pokračuj prosím na jiný post blogu, děkuji ;)
If you're not 18 years or more, please continue to other post on this blog, thanks ;)
Kdo by nemiloval velké party, že? Kluby plné lidí, hudby a světel. Objednat si svůj oblíbený drink (ať už alkoholický nebo ve verzi virgin), stoupnout si někam na bok, usrkovat brčkem ledově osvěžující nápoj a pozorovat lidi na baru, jak se baví, objednávají, flirtují. Pak zkoumat očima parket. Tancující skupinky nebo jednotlivce. Páry pohybující se do rytmu. Tělo na tělo, kdy se tanec mění ve žhavý flirt. Vášeň prostoupená hudbou. Prázdná sklenice dopadá na bar, přestáváš vnímat okolí, soustředíš se jen na muziku a tanec. Cítíš se volný. Vír klubového šílenství tě vtahuje do sebe. A protože člověk rád objevuje nové, tak se Absolut spojil s nejlepšími umělci, aby mu pomohli posunout zážitky a hranice takových party na nový level. Více hledejte na sociálních sítích pod tagem #AbsolutNights .
Who would not love parties, right? Clubs full of people, music and lights. Just order your favorite drink (whether alcoholic or virgin version), stand somewhere on the side, sip from the straw this cold refreshing drink and watch people at the bar, having fun, ordering, flirting. Then redirect eyes to the dance floor. Watching groups of dancing people or individuals. Couples moving to the beat. Body to body, where dance turns into a hot flirt. Passion pervaded in music. Empty glass hit the bar, you stop perceive all the things around you, concentrating only on music and dance. You feel free. You are drawn into the vortex of the club madness. And because people like discovering of new things, Absolut teamed up with the cutting edge artists to help him push the boundaries of experience from parties to a new level. For more information and experience search on social networks the tag #AbsolutNights .
I'm actually not a huge party lover :p
OdpovědětVymazat;) and what about small home parties? ;)
VymazatI love watching people dance! ;-) have a nice week, Michael!!!
OdpovědětVymazatLera's Affordable Fashion Blog
Haha =D, me too ;)
VymazatYou have a wonderful week too, Lera =)
love it
wow, i love seeing people drunk and dancing, so sexy
Indeed it is! ;)
VymazatWonderful edition, love the colours!
OdpovědětVymazatWell I am under 18... so can I have a vodka cocktail???!!!!
lots of kisses :)
At first =D, you should stop reading after first sentence =P
VymazatAt second, in our country not, but you can try some virgin versions of cocktails (non-alcoholic ;))
I am kidding i am over 18... actually over 28 lol :)
VymazatTeraz mi tak napadlo... Zaradíme na náš parížsky zoznam aj tanec? :P
OdpovědětVymazatABSOLUTely =D
VymazatNice bottle!
It is =)
VymazatI am a huge party Lover.. :D I love to dance and i could hear Music all the Time.
So come to Prague and we can go dancing ;)
VymazatLove rhe parties
Oh yeaaaaah ^_^
VymazatI like to go out and and dance, also have a drink, i like Whisky, i like your facebook page, and follow you on bloglovin :D
Whisky is good too, Gerardo ;)
Vymazati'm not really into parties but i do enjoy small house parties. :) great photo by the way :))
OdpovědětVymazatxoxo, rae
I like small house parties too ^_^, what a pity we have not a lot of them here in Prague (or maybe I am not invited =/ ).
VymazatSuch a cute post. I love your thoughts
OdpovědětVymazatcheck out my new post.
I'm telling about skincare today :)
Great! :)
OdpovědětVymazatI do not usually drink Vodka, i drink gin and tonics, but seeing that bottle, I want to try it! I love the design!XoXo
OdpovědětVymazatYeah, that bottle is really masterpiece ^_^
VymazatThank you ;)
OdpovědětVymazathi! i always drink Vodka or Jagermister, but i prefer jager hahaha
I like Jager too ^_^
VymazatI love the collaborations of Absolut Vodka. The designs on the bottles are stunning
OdpovědětVymazatMonica Harmony's Blog
Yeah, definitely they are =)
VymazatHappy humpday, Michael!
OdpovědětVymazatWell, Absolut Vodka is a classic! And I like that they collaborate with young artists...
P.S. I can't wait to see your photos from Paris, Michael. I hope you will have an amazing time and you will bring back great memories of Paris in December!
Have a great week!
Me too ^_^, thank you so much, Miri :3
VymazatSo Great!! :)
Perfect *-*
You're right, everybody likes parties ;) And what is party without vodka? :D Nice blog, I will visit you more often ;) Have a nice day :*
OdpovědětVymazatThank you so so much, Sandra ^_^
VymazatDo you have blog too? Let me know ;)
AbsolutNights are the best!!! ;)
OdpovědětVymazatI wanna go party in Prague so bad!